Installed DickDeaner logo using a strong adhesive magnet. My father now rides in style. 
Uploaded from Illustrator to Photoshop in order to use the 3D printing settings.  
Photoshop CC 2015 dimensions then export as an stl file and print it on a 3D printer.
DickDeaner has a very long and hilarious past - long story short, Dick Deaner was my dad's alter ego when he was young. It is now a running joke in our family. I decided to create "DickDeaner" as a new logo for his Triumph Motorcycle. 
This is the Before and After verison of DickDeaner created on Illustrator. Using the font copperplate gothic (very similar to Triumph). I then used direct select tool to modify all the straight edges so they were curved. Then exported it as an esp file to upload to Photoshop CC 2015 and use the 3D printing settings. 
3 dimensional photoshop file was uploaded to laser cutter software (CorelDraw) in order to create a vector to cut.
Uploaded stl file onto 3D software and printed it on UltiMaker
Used a 3D printer to produce the first draft. Material is PLA. About 4 inches long. Slightly bendable, using the object for a motorcycle logo to be spray painted and glued onto the tank. 
Laser cut 7 inch word "DickDeaner" for a motorcycle logo. Used CorelDraw software to upload my subject for the laser cutter to read. The material is 1/8 inch thick acrylic plastic. Approximately took 1 min 35 seconds from start to finish. 
Dimensions of laser cut object. Decided to laser cut DickDeaner instead of 3D print it, in order to create a flexible and minimal textured object. 
Final product spray painted in red, 3D printed above, Laser cut below. The motorcycle tank is metallic colored with a brown leather seat, the color red provides a bright pop and intense contrast. 
DickDeaner Cycle

DickDeaner Cycle

DickDeaner has a very long and hilarious past - long story short, 'he' was my dad's alter ego as a 3rd grader. Obviously, it is now a running jok Read More
